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Suzi von Mensenkampff 

Born to teach, travel & transform

Based in Ireland and born to travel Suzi has always been curious to explore what lies beyond the boundaries of limited thinking and cultural conditioning. Destined to teach, she discovered her unique purpose and dharma in 2011 by tuning in and listening to her intuition and following her guidance. This experience inspired by her passion for Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga led her to a synchronous meeting with Dr. Deepak Chopra at the Chopra Centre in California. She listened to the whisper of her soul and  graduated in 2012 as Ireland's first Chopra Certified Vedic Educator. She is renowned in her field for her natural ability to share Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga in engaging, interesting and thought-provoking ways.


Suzi takes a compassionate approach to teaching and mentoring, she is supportive and sparks her clients natural curiosity, having the unique ability to meet her students where they are. With great ease she connects with people of all skill levels, both beginners and experienced alike. Suzi  developed her skills as a teacher by continuing her studies in Meditation and Mindfulness at the McLean Meditation Institute (MMI) in Sedona, Arizona. She also serves as a mentor to MMI teachers in training within the Meditation Teacher Academy. She has also completed the Mindfulness@Work training at the MMI facility in Santa Barbara, CA. USA.


As an Ayurveda Consultant Suzi offers personalised online consultations, she is passionate about living the teachings, and has expanded her knowledge and experience of Ayurveda to offer support to her private clients as they consciously connect all of the dots in their lives to see the bigger picture. Suzi provides guidance and empathy along with simple practical advice and tools to support their health and wellbeing, transforming their lives on a deep level. Suzi continued her study of Ayurveda between 2014 and 2018 with Dr. Shivani Sood at the Shivani Ayurveda Clinic in Dharamshala, India.


Suzi volunteered for five years as Group Leader with Yoga for Hope based in Kolkata, India. Her passion for travel has inspired her extensive travels throughout India and Bhutan taking guests on an unforgettable, life changing journey. She has spent many years creating Himalayan retreats and taking groups to sacred locations in both India and Bhutan since 2018. In recent years her retreat setting has been closer to home. Suzi creates unique experiences in the land of the ancient Celts, in Ireland for small intimate groups from around the world, check out her retreat schedule for 2024 for more details.


Every Monday at 5pm Ireland time, Suzi hosts a live meditation on zoom that everyone is welcome to join, sign up on the landing page for the link. With a variety of monthly online programs on offer, why not sign up for the occasional newsletter to stay in touch. As a volunteer with Feast for the Soul, she is committed to making meditation free and accessible for everyone, check out her meditations on YouTube, Soundcloud and Insight Timer if you can't make it to the live sessions.


In recent years Suzi has developed an executive coaching style that inspires creative visionaries who are ready to Invest ~Invoke ~Inform, her corporate intuitive model has been rolled out globally in companies across multiple sectors based in Europe, Canada, UK, UAE, and Asia Pacific. This collaboration continues to expand; connect directly to schedule her for a keynote presentation and to discuss developing a strategy to take your organisation to a whole new level of health, wealth and happiness.

Suzi has never stopped learning, she has been researching, writing and developing new programs and practices to facilitate living in a constantly changing world, these develop the sixth sense and intuitive response. They are practical, experiential programs, and include; Spirit Cafe, Living with Awareness, Timeless Travel, Trust Your Vibe and Explore Your Quest.


Suzi has a natural gift and she has developed simple practices to get you started. When one develops trust and learns how to live with pure awareness they confidently start following their intuition - synchronicities multiply and life becomes a lot more fun!. Suzi lives by these mystical principles and is committed to mentoring you to take your next steps, she invites all modern mystics to join her and her expanding global community who are ready to answer the call to wake up!


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