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Pink Gradient
Online Programs 2024
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Limbs of Yoga Sutra Practice

Decoding ancient wisdom threads together with daily meditation can transform your life. Become aware of what happens when you internally recite 28 simple sutras that align with your chakras to deepen your experience of meditation and growing understanding of yoga philosophy. Discover how to integrate this practice, and make it part of your daily routine. 

“The great secret is this: it is not enough to have intuitions; we must act on them; we must live them.”

― Patañjali, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Join in live or listen to the recorded online sessions.


​8 Live Zoom sessions starting Saturday September 21st through to Dec 7th, 2024


Time: 5pm - 6:45pm UK | 9am - 10:45pm PST | 12pm - 1:45pm EST


Registration Fee: €333.oo / 8 sessions (save €51.00) or pay as you go €48.00 per session.


Explore what it means to be a multidimensional being, living a conscious, creative life.​ 


This program infuses a review of the yoga sutras with meditation practices which activate the breath and align with the major chakras; 28 silently repeated sutras inspired by the ancient sage Pataljali's 8 limbs of yoga are shared in an ancient oral tradition over 8 sessions. Drawing on timeless, ancient wisdom from his classic yoga text: The Yoga Sutras.


This is an opportunity for growth, spiritual development and personal transformation as you deepen your meditations and broaden your understanding of the eight limbs of yoga. Including a chakra aligned sutra practice, this is a multi faceted transformative guidance system of purification, refinement and surrender.


We suffer because we live in ignorance, this is the path that leads to spiritual enlightenment.​


Choose nourishment for your body, mind and soul. 

As you weave these ancient threads with the ancient wisdom from which they are derived there's an opportunity to establish a daily practice. It’s a truly beautiful experience that will enhance your life, boost your wellbeing and lift your spirits.


Highlights include:

  • We will explore and practice together, as a conscious collective whilst weaving these sutras which are essential qualities into your body mind and soul - seeding your whole being with these beautiful truths.

  • With enough time between each of the live sessions to practice, there is an opportunity to fully embed each sutra into your daily routine thus laying a strong foundation for this advanced practice.

  • Over time a shift happens naturally, how you see and experience yourself will gradually change, the ego mind quietens and you start hearing the whispers of your soul. Shifting from object referral to self referral.

  • Over eight sessions spread across 4 months you will deepen your understanding and knowledge of the origins of yoga as an ancient wisdom tradition and you will begin to realise that your true self has been there all along.

Transformation: from knowledge of yoga to living ancient wisdom in daily life.
Pink Gradient

Session 2 -Saturday September 28th

5pm - 6:45pm UK | 9am - 10:45pm PST | 12pm - 1:45pm EST


Rejuvenation for the body and mind, release tension and deeply relax in preparation for sitting. Subtle movement into gentle postures to circulate and balance energy. Use of sound with awareness to experience  Yoga / union and a sutra statement to activate the creative second chakra.  

Pink Gradient

Session 4 - Saturday October 12th

5pm - 6:45pm UK | 9am - 10:45pm PST | 12pm - 1:45pm EST


As the senses follow the mind inward, we make a shift. This is a refinement of the sense perceptions that -"cleanses the doors of your perception". This is a natural progression as the mind settles down, we reconnect at Anahata, the heart.

Pink Gradient

Session 6 - Saturday November 9th 

5pm - 6:45pm UK | 9am - 10:45pm PST | 12pm - 1:45pm EST


Refinement of the mind, awareness of your subtle nature as a thread of awareness is spontaneously maintained. Consciousness perceives only the truth. Silence flows evenly into the mind. Resting in Ajna at the third eye.

Pink Gradient

Session 8 - Saturday December 7th 

5pm - 6:45pm UK | 9am - 10:45pm PST | 12pm - 1:45pm EST


You are a multidimensional being living life simultaneously on different levels. When we integrate all the layers of life through these daily practices our minds and bodies access expanded states. Our Soul Star Chakra awakens.

Pink Gradient

Session 1 - Saturday September 21st

5pm - 6:45pm UK | 9am - 10:45pm PST | 12pm - 1:45pm EST


The foundations for your practice, a commitment to appropriate restraint and control. What to do and not to do. Ten reflective vows that offer an opportunity to deepen your self awareness, offered with a sutra statement that grounds that energy in your being at your root chakra.

Pink Gradient

Session 3  - Saturday October 5th 

5pm - 6:45pm UK | 9am - 10:45pm PST | 12pm - 1:45pm EST


Breath is essential for our vitality, our cosmic life force. We purify and strengthen this to purify our nervous system. Breath and thoughts go together. Mind settles when breath is calm and natural. Connecting with your solar plexus.

Pink Gradient

Session 5 - Saturday October 26th

5pm - 6:45pm UK | 9am - 10:45pm PST | 12pm - 1:45pm EST


At the heart of yoga is the realm of the mind. With a soft focus, Dharana invites us to hold our attention on an object. There is a one-pointedness known as "ekagrata", it's an effortless focus. Located in the throat chakra \ expression.

Pink Gradient

Session 7 - Saturday November 30th 

5pm - 6:45pm UK | 9am - 10:45pm PST | 12pm - 1:45pm EST


A subtle settled state of mind, a delicate state of awareness. Absolute stillness and silence, Sanyama is the coherence that occurs when all three are practiced regularly. Energy gives way to space, at the top of the head\ crown chakra.

​Benefits & Highlights:​

  • Experience more subtle and expanded states of consciousness

  • Become a multi faceted being in a busy world, living ancient wisdom

  • Connect with your true nature, as infinite and eternal

  • Cleanse the doors of your perception, awakening your mind​

  • Multidimensionality - is to truly live life simultaneously on all levels in joy, peacefully


This is an ancient formula, tried and tested for centuries, a profound opportunity to gather online and make a simple commitment to explore and finally know who you truly are and discover why you are here. This is a map of the journey from your limited self to the most expanded version of your true Self. The Yoga Sutras are distilled from Yoga Vidhya, originating from Sankhya, one of the ancient Indian systems of philosophy. It teaches that knowledge is the path to enlightenment. in a form that the average spiritual seeker could follow and use. Providing a roadmap essentially on your journey to enlightenment.


Read and study the text to find out for yourself.

This is an inside job. You must have your own direct experiences, it's got to be lived as you probe for the truth and deepen your understanding. There is so much more to us beyond the fundamental reality. Transcendental consciousness goes beyond your sense perceptions. Raja yoga takes us there, along the "royal" path of meditation. 








The Yoga Sutras are a practical textbook to guide your spiritual journey of remembering who you really are. It was written in roughly 400 C.E., and is regarded by many as the basis of yoga philosophy. "separated into four padas (chapters): Samadhi, Sadhana, Vibhuti, and Kaivalya to "provide depth and practical wisdom to help yogis and yoginis explore the central meaning of yoga.



The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 



Sutra 1.2 states: “Yogas citta vritti nirodhah,” \ “Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.”


This sutra stresses the importance of being in control of the mind and being able to recognise that the mind isn't always allowing you to see what the truth actually is. To encapsulate the whole teaching early in the discourse Patanjali does this in the first few sutras, giving you the essence of what’s to come:


​“Yoga is the progressive settling of the mind into silence. When the mind is settled, we are established in our own essential state, which is unbounded consciousness. Our essential nature is usually overshadowed by the activity of the mind”


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